Monday, March 14, 2011

Doggy Style

Friday the phones were out all day at work. Now let me just say that this was fantastic! I answer the phones and forward calls in the office so it was nice to have a little time to concentrate on my work without interruptions. Want to know what's not so fantastic?!.. yelling "DOGGY STYLE" in your office (especially when no one is on the phone so the office is quiet).

What?! Don't look at me like that. It was an accident!

So, the office phone situation was finally resolved around 5 pm.. just in time for my older sister to call me and ask for my advice on a flyer she was having trouble with for work. She wanted to fit 2 flyers on one page. So I asked her if they were doggy style. After a "psshht ummm okay... *awkward silence*" from the other line, my face became flushed with embarrassment! And stumbling over my words trying to explain what I meant:

"I mean the page... Doggy style, like hot dog/hamburger... how you fold the paper... you know like when we were kids... is it long ways or short fat ways... know what I mean?! Yes?..."

Apparently my big sis has no idea what I was talking about and thinks I'm a big creep for basically yelling "doggy style" in my office. *still blushing*

But seriously?! Does anyone remember the ol' "fold the paper hot dog style or hamburger style" speil? Or am I just the office perv...

I even drew you a pretty picture.


  1. BAHAHAHA! This is hysterical! I love your visual aids too :)

  2. Don't worry! I remember this.. You aren't crazy nor a perv.. Well at least not because of this :)
    Love you!


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