Monday, August 2, 2010

The Day I Thought My Tampon Was Chapstick...

So, before you freak out from the title of this post, let me explain!

And men, before you get grossed out, it was a tampon fresh out of the wrapper! so don't get all icky faced with me!

So I was walking down the streets of Georgetown, trying to look like I belong (I still feel like a tourist) and I reach in my bag to grab my "chapstick"...

I put it to my lips all nonchalant like and the minute my "chapstick" made contact, I realized this was not my chapstick at all, but some cottony-plastic thing! It was a tampon in my purse that had sneakily snuck out of the wrapper! What if someone saw me rub a tampon on my lips!? My life is over.

They look similar... right?! I swear I'm not crazy...

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